Contact Me

If you would like more information on any of the posts, videos or working for home please feel free to email me with request for further information.


BeautyBlondie (at) live (dot) com

6 thoughts on “Contact Me

  1. where did you get the burnt orange dress. I love it…I am going to a wedding and want to wear something similar.

  2. Hello, I would like to know where you bought your orange dress, belt and blue jean jacket. My daughter’s wedding is “western theme” and this is exactly what I’m looking for. If still not available for sale at store, would you consider selling yours? Thanks.

    1. Hey Brenda, I got the dress from Old Navy although I must say that it was a few years ago. I guess I never thought about selling it and I wouldn’t even know where to start as far as a price. Also I don’t know what size you are, but this is a size medium!

  3. Hi. I just saw your Instagram picture of your batch of kombucha. I’m not signed up on Instagram, so I can view but can’t leave comments. So I came here to ask, would you be willing to share your process of making it, maybe a blog post or something. I would love to know how you do yours. I’ve never attempted it but would love to.

  4. I’m in Chicago and I want to see if I can go and say hellowwww to you!!!, love your Instagram hahaha remember me? I’m Gaby from mexico!!
    My number is 8328678118 can you call me??? Do you have Angie’s cellphone by any chances?

    1. Hey Gaby, I am sorry I wasn’t able to get together with you while you were here. I was actually out of town for a work convention. I would love to get together the next time you are in town! Until then I would love to keep in touch. I will email you in a little while! I can’t wait to catch up!

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