I can’t believe that Christmas is just around the corner. I feel like thanksgiving was yesterday and Halloween was the day before that. I don’t know where the time is going. It is crazy!
I am not not sure if I told you but I had my wisdom teeth out 2 weeks ago and I had to stay in bed for a few day. I am so glad I utilized my time as well as I did. Otherwise I would not have had time to write all of my Christmas cards this year.
There is something so special about walking out to the mail box around Christmas time. Just the thought of opening it up and finding Christmas cards with your name on it. I don’t know what it is, maybe it is the child in me coming out but I absolutely love it. I don’t know if everyone feels the same way that I do but when I write a card I hope it brings back a piece of their childhood or at least a good Christmas memory.
I love sitting down with a BIG cup or tea while I write my cards.
You can’t forget the Christmas music in the back ground. It really gets you in the Christmas Spirit!
This year I also included a cookie recipe that I thought everyone would enjoy!
Do you still write Christmas cards? Are you like me and love the thought of getting some in the mail?