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The Perfect Healthy Snack (It is Cool, Crunchy, Creamy and Sweet!)

When it comes to healthy snacks, I would have to say that this is one of my favorite snack. It is a great combination between energy, protein and deliciousness! It is easy to make and even easier to eat.

The combinations are truly endless with this snack. I personally love shopping at Trader Joe’s for all of my food and I especially love their granola section. There are so many amazing oppositions and they all go well with what I am about to share. If you don’t believe me you are just going to have to see for yourself.

Yogurt, Protein and Granola... Now that is a health Snack

You will need:

1/2 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt.
1/2 Cup Granola.
1 Scoop of Shaklee 180 Strawberry Smoothie Protein.
Fresh fruit, if desired.

First things first. Pour your yogurt into a bowl.

Start with a bowl of yogurt. Measure out one scoop of your Shaklee 180 protein. Add a scoop of protein to your yogurt Pour the protein into your bowl. Add protein to your yogurt for it to be extra filling. Then measure out a half cup of the granola of your choice. (I used the Mixed Berries)
Add a .25 cup of granola to your yogurt and protein Next you just need to pour the granola into the bowl.
I am so going to try this. It is like a DIY parfait with protein Once you have everything in the bowl, give it a good mix up and… I am so going to try this, yogurt, granola and strawberry protein. …you are complete!  This is such a great idea... Yogurt, Protein and Granola Just add some Energy Tea (or Pomegranate Lemonade) and you are set for a perfect afternoon snack.

The perfect healthy snack. Yogurt, Protein, Granola and Enery tea!

Now do you believe me? Doesn’t that look like a delicious treat? It has a little bit of everything in it. It is cool, crunchy, creamy and sweet. What more can you ask for in a healthy snack?

What is Shaklee 180

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