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My New Year Resolution! (Turning I Wish to I Will)

Every year when the new year comes, people also seem to ask me what my New Year’s resolution is going to be. Last year I was going for a “New Year, New You”.  I decided to turnaround the way I look and feel about myself.  I chose Shaklee 180 to help me achieve a healthier way of life. (This picture was taken after 1 month with Shaklee 180 in 2013).

My Before and After Progress one Month on Shaklee 180

The main reason I wanted to become a new me in 2013 was because I wanted to be “Tiny, Tone and Tan” come my wedding. After all of my hard work and dedication, I truly felt like I was the best version on myself on my wedding day.  It was everything I thought it would be and so much more!

I became Tiny, Tone and Tan for my Wedding

To be honest, most years I don’t usually follow through with my resolutions. Although, last year, I felt like I finished as strong and I had started. My Shaklee 180 Turnaround truly changed the way I look at my life and taught me not only how to live a healthier lifestyle but that I deserve a better lifestyle!

This year I am going to stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will”! I can’t tell you how many times I wished something would happen and never did anything about it.

Start Saying I Will

I am going to start making things happen in my life and I am going to start by changing my mindset. Last year, as soon as I realized that I could start eating better and living a healthier lifestyle, I started loosing weight, getting toner and gaining energy.

This year, I know now that I need to get in the mind right off the bat and stay in it all year long. I am going to stop wishing and start doing!

What are you doing for this year’s resolution?

What is Shaklee 180

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