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A Poofy Ponytail Made Easy

When I look at someone wearing their hair in a poofy ponytail I immediately think of fun and flirty. It is the type of hair style that says “Oh this old hair style? I only wear this when I don’t care how I look” and yet they worked pretty hard to get their hair to look like that.  I remember the first time I saw someone with their hair in a poofy pony and I wanted to know how to do that. So naturally, being the type of personality I am, I went ahead with out a doubt in my mind that I would get it right the first time.  Well, maybe the second or third. Fine, it took me a while to figure out how to master that style. Although now that I have mastered the poofy ponytail with a few simple steps, I have decided to share with you what I wish I knew then.

My hair was curly today although you can achieve the same style on straight hair.

A Poofy Ponytail at

Here is the video showing you just how I achieve this style.

You will need a few things:

Prosante Finishing Spray
Unite Volumizing Powder

One Clear Elastic Band

A Pick / Teasing Comb

Bobby Pins

The Tools For a Poofy Ponytail, A Must Try


Wouldn’t you agree that after you saw the video the poofy ponytail seems to be so much easier and achievable? I would love to know how this has helped you. Maybe you can leave a comment sharing your experiences? Well, I hope that this video helped you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Until next time, I amElisabeth at Signature


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Want to Whiten Your Teeth Naturally?

Have you ever stopped and taken a look at people’s smiles? A smile can say a lot about someone’s personality or their mood, it can be very inviting or it can be unwelcoming. There is nothing better than a big white welcoming smile! There are so many things that can help create the perfect smile although having white teeth defiantly has to be at the top of my list.

Whitening YourTeeth at

Here is a video showing you what I do to get my teeth nice and white!

Here are the 4 things that you will need :

Hydrogen Peroxide

Baking Soda

Shaklee Tooth Paste

Electric Tooth Brush

The Essentials For Perfectly White Teeth at

What do you do to whiten your teeth? What is your favorite part of a smile?

To find out how to get silky smooth looking lips just Click Here!

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Got Chapped Lips?

Are you looking to get rid of your chapped lips? Maybe you are just looking for a way to prevent your lips from getting chapped? I love when the seasons change from summer to fall and from fall to winter although I don’t like when the weather changes to fast and my skin and lips get dry and flaky.

Here is a short video showing you just how get rid of or prevent chapped lips from coming!


You  will need 3 things:

1) Coconut Oil

2) A Tooth Brush

3) Enfuselle Lip Balm

Soft, Smooth & Silky Lips at


I am sure that everyone would like soft, smooth and silky looking lips!

Elisabeth at Signature

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Make Your Jewelry Shine Again

Some of you might know the very exciting news about me getting engaged!!! Make sure you follow along to get the whole story. With everything still being new and exciting I want to make sure that I keep my ring shiny and clean. This is the best ring cleaner you can ever find. It is an all natural cleaner that will not only clean your jewelry but make it shine like when you first got it.

Here is a short video showing you just how to make you jewelry shine!

You will need:

Basic H

A Babies Toothbrush

Your Jewelry


Cleaning my Ring with Basic H at

You can see here just how clean and shiny my ring got after cleaning it with Shaklee’s Basic H

From Dirty to Clean with Basic H at

Do you have any Jewelry you would like to clean and make them look new again?

I know that you are going to love this as much as I do and it will work just as well on your jewelry as it did on mine.

Elisabeth at Signature

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