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My Favorite Moments of 2013!

First off I would like to wish everyone a happy new year!

I can’t believe that 2014 is already here. So much has happened in 2013 that I guess the entire year just flew by.

I would like to do a short recap of some of the rather large life occurrences that happened last year so just in case you missed any of them, you can check them out now!

I started working entirely from home:

Contact BeautyBlondie Elisabeth Heasley

I added a Hair Styles / Makeup tab with all of my latest looks with video tutorials:

Hair Style, Makeup Tab

I was a Shaklee 180 Healthy Competition Winner:


I got married to the man of my dreams:

Elisabeth Johnson for got married!

Brandon and I bought a house and we love it:

We bought a house

Last but certainly not least… our house flooded:

Water in our Basement


As amazing as last year was. I know that this year is going to be even better. There is so much to look forward to and I am looking forward to sharing it all with you.

Is there anything in particular that you would like to see from me in 2014?

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Energizing Caramel Apple Green Tea

With a chill in the air, there is no better time than the present to sip down the warmth of a Caramel Apple Green Tea. Personally I love drink hot tea in the colder seasons. It warms me up and keeps my blood flowing.

Energizing Caramel Apple Green Tea - Sahklee 180 You only need a few things to create this master piece:
Shaklee 180 Energizing Green Tea
Apple Slices

Caramel Apple Gree Tea

Bring the water to a boil. Pour the hot water into your mug and add the energizing green tea. Than take a spoonful of caramel and stir it into the tea. To finish it off add the apple slices into the mug  and sprinkle with cinnamon. Once everything is combined together let it sit for 5 minutes to cool off and absorb all of the flavors.
 Energizing Caramel Apple Green Tea

That is all there is to it. It is really that simple.

I am pretty sure it is safe to say that I am defiantly a tea gal more than I am a coffee gal. I love that this green tea gives me energy but doesn’t make me jittery.

What about you, would you say that you are more of a tea or coffee drinker?

Are you ready to do a 180

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Chocolate Mocha Latte Smoothie

When it comes to me and my smoothies, there is nothing I would rather have in the morning! I probably have over 50 recipes up in my head that I need to write down to share with all of you. They are so filling and refreshing.

Today I am sharing a recipe that I actually got from Shaklee itself. It is so good and I know that you are going to love it. Don’t get me wrong I still love my Chocolate Frape Smoothie. But this is a great alternative if you don’t have coffee cubes on hand. I am going to have to try this Mocha Latte Smoothie

You will need:

Combine all ingredients in blender. Blend until creamy.

260 calories, 31g carbohydrates, 24g protein, 3g fat,6g fiber


Chacolate Mocha Latte SmoothieI am so going to have this Mocha Latte Smoothie for breakfast tomorrow!Mocha Latte Smoothie to start the morning off right

I just wanted to share with all of you a little piece of reality! This is what it looks like behind the senses of most of my blog posts. This is breakfast time at the Heasley house!

A sneak peek and reality - Mocha Latte Smoothee

This is what my picture looks like for all of you, hehe!

Chocolate Mocha Latte Smoothie, the best breakfast ever!

Do you ever have smoothies for breakfast?

If not what do you like to have?

You can find more recipes on my Facebook page.  

From the Dest of Elisabeth Heasley soon to be Elisabeth Johnson

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Banana Almond Smoothie

I have been on the Shaklee 180 weight management program for 3 weeks now and I can’t even begin to explain how good I feel every time I drink my daily energizing smoothie.  I love all 4 of the rich creamy and delicious flavor. When I have time in the morning I will blend up my smoothies with some fruits and/or vegetables for more nutrition and to change it up from day to day.

One of my favorite fruits to add to my smoothies would have to be bananas. I love them fresh or frozen and it blends well with so many flavors. Today I used the the Vanilla Energizing Smoothie although I love bananas with the Chocolate and Strawberry Energizing Smoothee as well. I love waking up to a Banana Almond Smoothee from Shaklee 180!

You will need:

1 Cup Milk

1/2 Banana

1 Teaspoon Slivered Almonds (Blend in the blender first before adding any ingredients to get them finally chopped)

1 Scoop of Shaklee Physique Natural Banana (This is an amazing for muscle recovery after you work out)
1 Scoop of
Shaklee 180 Energizing Vanilla Smoothee mix.

Ice (Blend until creamy)

Banana Almond Smoothee, This is the best breakfest to have in the morning. It keeps you full all day long. Featuring Shaklee 180Banana Almond Smoothee. I love having a healthy protein to help you loose weight and keep it off!I loe the taste of a Banana Almond Smoothee from Shaklee 180 Turnaround kit!

Banana Almond Smoothee.This is an amazing breakfast ever!! I love waking up to this delicious energizing Smoothee!!


I would love to know that you like to put into your smoothies. I am always looking to try out new smoothies and new ingredients, are there any you think I just have to try?

Thank you all for reading and for following along.

From the Dest of Elisabeth Heasley soon to be Elisabeth Johnson

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