Who will agree with me that a women can not seem to get more than a few uses out of her tights before something happens to them? They always seem to snag on something or get a whole in them where they can no longer be used. I thought to myself there has to be something else I can do with these tights besides just throwing them away.
Before I knew it I ended up with an entire bag of ruined tights. I then remembered someone once telling me that you can use them for many different things including hair bands. So I decided to give it a try and I am so glad I did. I always seem to lose my hair bands and this was free to make my own. Win-Win!
Here is a short video showing you just what I did to make them.
Will someone please tell me that I am not the only person that misplaces small hair accessories? I will either lend them to someone with no intention of getting them back or I just flat out leave them in places they don’t belong and forget where I put them. Either way I find myself always buying more each time I am at the store.
Once you are all done turning your tights into hair bands you are going to need a place to put them all so you won’t lose them like I use too. I like to store mine on a Mason Jar turned upside-down. They fit on there perfect and you will never lose them.
This is a great way to keep your hair or bangs out of your face!
Do you find yourself in the same situation I was in? Do you think this will help you to be able to not only reuse your tights but save money as well? What else do you do with your old tights? I would love for you to share or even post a link.
Thanks for reading.