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Green St Patrick’s Day Juice {Juicing}

I have to admit that I am new to juicing! It wasn’t until after I got married and got a juicer for my wedding shower that I started. I love the idea having fresh fruit and veggie juice every morning. I have been playing around with different combinations and this is one that I love!

I love this particular recipe not only because it taste delicious but also because it is green. And green is perfect for St. Patrick’s Day, which is just around the corner.

This is the a perfect St Patricks day green juice

You are going to need:
1 Apple
1 Lime
1 Small head of roman lettuce
1/2 Bunch of Spinach
1/2 Cucumber

The perfect ingredents for a green juice Start by having all of your fruits and veggies washed (I wash mine with Basic H) and cut. It is easiest if you have everything set up and ready to go before you begin.  Learning how to juice at Here comes the easy part. All you have to do is put all of the ingredients in one at a time. Learn to Juice with Beauty Blondie Then the juice starts coming right out! This is nothing like freshly juiced juice! Anything left over will be separated from the juice. Spinach, celery and anything else that is stringy will come out like this.   Juicing from home with so healthy and delicious. Once you are done, pour and drink. I love the idea of juicing and getting a little extra health in a cup I personally like to either chill it or add a few ice cubs to keep it nice and cold. I am so making this drink for St. Patricks Day Morning The perfect green juice This is a must try sweet green juice So there you have it. This is a perfect combination on sweet, sour, bitter and fresh.

If you are not a juicer yet, this drink just might convince you to start. I know that you are going to love it and it is a perfect drink to start of with on St. Patrick’s Day morning!

Let me know what you think of this combo. I would love some feed back from some more experienced juicers.

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St Patrick’s Day Smoothie! {The Green Monster}

As most of you I am currently on the Shaklee 180 program and I have been loving it. I am so happy with the results so far and I can’t wait to see I how I look for the wedding. I can really tell that I am a changed women and I can’t even describe the amount of energy I have.

I have 1 to 2 smoothies a day I have become very creative with the different types of smoothies I have been making to help keep me motivated and to change it up from day to day. I also like to get creative for the holidays.

For St Patrick’s Day I am going to be making what I like to call the Green Monster! Don’t be fooled by the color, it is actually very sweet. It has a great combination of fruits and vegetables.St. Patrick's Day Smoothie. I am so going to have this that morning!

A St Patrick's Day Green Monster! The Perfect Way to Start the Day!

You will need:

1 Cup Milk

2 Scoops of Vanilla Shaklee 180 Smoothee Mix

1/2 Cup Pineapple (Canned or fresh)

1/4 Cup Spinach (Fresh or Frozen)

1/2 Avocado

1/2 Orange

8 Ice Cubes

This is so rich and creamy!

Blend until thick and creamy! This is a breakfast for champions.

The green monster smootie. I am so going to try this for S Patrick's Day!I caan't wait to try the Green Monster, it sounds amazing!

I will be honest with you, when I made this most of my sibling didn’t want to try it because of the color. Once they did, they loved it.

St patrick's day Smoothie. The Green Monster

No one except for the baby saw me make this smoothie, so they had to ask what was in it that made it green because they couldn’t tell by the taste! That is what I call hiding veggies!

Wait for her St. Patrick's Day Smoothie!

This is a great way to get all of your morning nutrition in one glass. It has milk, protein, fruits and  veggies. It tasted so good and I know that you are going to love it.

If you wouldn’t mind sharing, I would love to know what you and your family actually think of it.

Until next time,

From the Dest of Elisabeth Heasley soon to be Elisabeth Johnson

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