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The Perfect Two Minute Style: Topsy Tail

There are so many days out of the week where I don’t feel like spending a lot of time on styling my hair or maybe I don’t have time to spend on my hair. I don’t usually like to put my hair up in a ponytail everyday so I try to choose styles that are quit and easy. They don’t come any easier then the famous Topsy Tail, which is an upside down ponytail. 

Here is a short video showing you just how to achieve this easy style!



The Perfect 2 Minutes Style - Upside Down Ponytail (Topsy Tail) at

I am sure that everyone will agree with me that there are days where we don’t have time to style our hair or we just don’t make time.

Please tell me this, am I the only one that doesn’t feel like doing their hair in the morning?

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