Did you know that your cell phone can cause facial acne?
If you are anything like me, then most days you are on the phone more times than not. I talk to clients, members, family and friends. It is a good thing I have unlimited talk, text and data otherwise I would have more problems than just unwanted acne.
For the most part my skin is pretty clear, I love to take care of my skin and wash it daily with an amazing product line. So whenever something does appear on my face I can usually find out where it came from. There are a few different reasons why acne can appear and I know that holding a dirty cell phone is one of those reason.
Think about it, you use your cell phone daily and bring it with you everywhere you go. It not only picks up the dirt and dust from your purse or pants but also the oils from your skin. Then without even thinking about it, we place it up to our cheek and hold it there for as long as we need. Sometimes the screen even gets warm and starts to heat up and cause irritation to the skin. Pretty gross, huh?
My mom would always make these hand wipes that we would use around the house. They are made with Basic H (an all natural cleaner) and I love to use this to wipe off my cell phone with. It is amazing the difference it has made since I started cleaning off my phone with these wipes.
They are so easy to make and save you a lot of money. I also use these wipes when I clean the salt off my boots in the winter.
Have you ever had acne on your face and have been able to pin point in down to how it came about? I would love hear some of the other thing that have caused you to break out so I can try to avoid those things as well.
Thanks for following along.