When I first started dating and was considering marriage, my sister Bonnie told me something that I have never forgot. She said “You don’t marry a person just because you can see yourself with them, you marry them because you can imagine your life without them.” I have kept this statement close to my heart and I have never forgot it.
A lot of people have asked me, “When did you know that Brandon was the one for you”? Can I be honest with you? When I first met Brandon I had just got out of a relationship and I wasn’t interesting in being in another one for a long time.
Although there was something about him that made me want to spend more time with him. After hanging out with him for a couple of months as friends, I didn’t know what came over me but deep down in side of me I knew something felt right. I was always happy when I was with him.
When he finally came around to asking me out, I couldn’t be happier! He was everything I every dreamed of in a guy, almost to good to be true. We were completely opposite in so many ways and yet we go along so well. I never believed people when they would said that opposites attract, I do now!
Even with all of our differences we got a long great and we spend the next 2 years growing to love one another more fondly. I can’t exactly pinpoint the time I knew Brandon is the one for me. But I will tell you this: Brandon treated me like no guy has ever treated me. He was a gentleman that respected me and showed me how a mad should treat a women. He was always there when I needed him, whether I asked him to be or not. He always put me before himself, not to mention he made sure that when I was hungry he made sure I ate, got me a blanket when I was cold and gave me flowers when I was down. It was honestly all of the little gestures of love that showed his true love, well that and he told me everyday! 😉
That and he took care of me when I needed him the most for instant; when I had strep he cared for me, he helped me recover after the extracting of my wisdom teeth and the infection that followed. Her has seen me in ever state, good or bad and took care of me through it all.
I guess to answer that question I would have to say that the love just came softly! But I can guarantee that it is here to stay! I grew to respect and LOVE Brandon more than anyone and as soon as I couldn’t imagine my life without him, I knew he was the one for me. I could cry at the thought of losing him or having to spend the rest of my life without him. God has truly blessed us both and we couldn’t be more grateful
So now I will ask you: When did you know that your spouse was the one for you?

That was beautiful!! Congrats to you both and good luck on a long and happy future 🙂
Thank You so much Jessica!
you are so in love…this made me cry. your crazy in love with him and it’s so beautiful! congrats!
Thank You Olivia, I guess it is a little obvious, isn’t it?