When it comes to curling hair, there are so many different types of curly hair style you can do. It all depends on what type of curls you are looking for and what hair type you have. You also have to think about the length of your hair and decide if it will work with the curl you want to achieve. Not to mention what size curling iron you will need to achieve which curl.
I have a number of posts coming that will show you just how to answer all of those questions.
Although for today I am going to be showing you another type of curl that I absolutely love! This style is great for medium to long hair. It gives a very soft, more natural look. I love this look for everyday but I guarantee when you put on a little black dress you will blow people away.
Here is a short video showing you just how to create these beautiful waves!
I also love the simplicity of these curls.
Do you like to wear your hair curly? Would you like more post about curling hair for all different hair types and finding styles that are more achievable for you?
I hope this help and I can’t wait to hear how you it turned out for you. So please share!

Love this & it looked so easy. What is the name/product you sprayed on before starting to curl? Please keep the hair videos coming !!!
Hey Marla,
I am glad you are liking my hair videos. I will defiantly keep them coming for you. The products is called Long-Lasting Finishing Spray by Prosante. I love using it before I style my hair. You can see more about it here: http://naturalbeauty.myshaklee.com/us/en/products.php?sku=31697. Have a great day!
Love the loose curl! I have always done alternating around my entire head but will try this method. My curls always fall out an hour or so later though so we shall see!
Thanks for the great tutorial Elisabeth!
Thanks Alicia,
Just remember that curling your hair is all about heat and hairspray! I would love to hear how it works out for you. Good Luck!
Thanks Elisabeth
I looked up the finishing spray and it sounds great. I’ll have to order soon, so I’ll be adding it to my list. I was wondering if you’d do a video on easy to do buns? I finally grew out my hair to just below the shoulders and I’m new to updos/buns. You always see girls just whip out a ponytail holder and in 5seconds have a great bun. Mine always look stupid.
Thanks again!!!!!
Hey Marla,
I know that you are going to love the finishing pray, it is amazing. I also know what you mean about trowing your hair up in a quick bun. I will have to get that out to you soon! Make sure subscribe to my blog, I just don’t know exactly when it will be coming out and I wouldn’t want you to miss it!
Elizabeth, I really loved this tutorial! I burned myself pretty badly using a curling wand, I guess just not used to using one. But I am going to try just using my iron like you did, and I like twisting the hair in different directions. This was very easy to follow, love it!
Thanks Sabina,
I am glad you were able to follow along easily! I am glad I could help!