Every story has a beginning and my started one afternoon after a long morning of clients and then shopping. I brought all of the bags home and placed them on my bed, along with an almost empty double insulated cup of energy tea. It wasn’t long before I noticed the tea had fallen over and spilled all over the bed.
So…. Naturally I would have to take off the sheets and throw them in the laundry. I would say about 5 minutes later I realized I couldn’t find my phone anywhere. After calling it a number of times, it dawned on me. The last place I used it was in my room and I set it on the bed. I ran down stairs opened the top loader washer and stuck my hand in praying that it wasn’t in there. After moving it around for a while, I felt something hard. I knew what I had done! I had washed my brand new white iPhone 5 in the washer with the sheets.
Did I mention that was the phone my Husband of less than a month had given me for my birthday? After days of it in a zip-lock bag of rice, I took to it to Verizon store to see if it would work. Not only did it not work but it was completely fried to the point where they couldn’t get anything off of it. Plus I never turned on my iCloud so I lost all of the pictures on the phone from the most important and eventful month of my life. RIP iPhone 5
I shared my tragic news on my facebook page and apparently I am not the only one who has gotten their phone wet in some way, shape or form. Although no one fried their’s quite like I did.
So… I paid the deductible and had them send me a new phone. I love my husband for knowing me so well and for being so understanding (even before I sobbed my whole story to him) He bought insurance when he bought the phone. And to top it all off, they sent me a black iPhone instead of the white one like I had. Just my luck.
Now I have to ask, have you ever got your phone wet? If so did it fry the whole phone or am I still the only one?
Until next time…