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8 Reasons to Drink More Water!

I personally love drinking water especially while being pregnant. I remember at my 8 week O.B appointment the nurse was asking me if I drink water. When I told her yes, that is always my drink of choice she seemed kind of surprised. She said that most women don’t like to drink water and they force themselves to drink it while pregnant. I am thankful that my mom had us drink water even since we were little because there are so many amazing health benefits!

So I am going to start by saying, drink water! I know this might sound dumb to some of you but it is so important for our bodies!

But you need to ask yourself:

“How much water did I drink so far today?”
“Do I measure how much I drink daily?”

What did you answer?  Was it good or bad?

Go grab a glass of water and come back to finish reading this!


Ok, now ask yourself this:

“Do I feel hungry?”
“Do I have lots of energy?”

“Am I  fatigued?”
“Do I have a headache?”
“Do I have a dry mouth?”
“How many times do I go to the bathroom each day?”
“Do I have dry skin?”
“Do I get dizzy?”

If you answered YES to some of those questions, you may be dehydrated!

Did you know that if you are thirsty today, it is because you didn’t drink enough water yesterday?  Are you drinking your water yet, lol?

Here are 8 important things water can do to help your body:

1. Naturally prevents headaches!
Going without water for too long causes headaches for most people and can also be a migraine trigger. A great way to prevent headaches is to stay hydrated throughout the day. And if you’ve already been hit with a dehydration-triggered headache, you’ll need significantly more water to help it go away.

2. Keep things flowing and detoxifies!
Nobody wants to deal with digestion issues. Fortunately, drinking enough water adds fluids to the colon which helps make things move smoothly. I think this is huge plus, I love to detox! If you are looking for a little bit more movement, try Herblax! It is amazing!

3. Fatigue fighter! 
Next time you’re feeling zonked, try drinking a couple glasses of water. About 60 percent of the human body is made of water, and keeping our fluids balanced. That means that all that water is doing its job: transporting nutrients, aiding digestion, regulating temperature and helping keep you energized. Move over coffee, water can help fight those tired eyes too. One of the most common symptoms of dehydration is tiredness. As far as energy, try drinking an Energizing Tea instead of coffee!

4. Helps keep your skin clear.
Certain toxins in the body can cause the skin to inflame, which results in clogged pores and acne. Water will help flush out these toxins and can reduce the risk of pimples. But always make sure that you are using a Skin Care Line that gives you all the nutrients that your skin needs! 

5. Water can help with Weight loss.
Anyone looking to lose weight can benefit by upping their water intake. Extra water helps us eat less by making us feel full, and it may also boost metabolism. (6-8 glasses a day is recommend but a rough rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 ounce of water for every pound per day.) Most people mistake thirst for hunger. Try this, next time you feel fatigued or sluggish, drink water, it may be just what you need to perk up and fill your tummy! You can read my whole weight loss story here!

6. Improves mood.
Drinking water makes us feel so refreshed that it actually can improve our state of mind. You don’t even have to be severely in need of improvement to benefit: Even mild dehydration has been shown to negatively impact moods. But if you really need an extra pick me up, Mood Lift is a great additive to keep you smiling all day long!

7. Bubbly water makes cocktails healthier.
Fizzy water is a staple for healthier versions of favorite boozy beverages. Using seltzer water and fresh fruit instead of sugary mixers makes for a delicious and better-for-you drink (that can also help prevent dehydration so less chance of a hangover!)

8. Hangover helper.
If booze has got the best of you, help a hangover with a glass of water to hydrate the body and stop that pounding headache. (For extra hydration add Performance with live electrolytes)

So, How much water should you drink each day?

6-8 glasses a day is recommend but a rough rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 ounce of water for every pound per day. You will need a little extra if you workout, if you are pregnant or a child.


If you are trying to lose weight, drink a glass of water immediately right when you wake up. (I keep one on my nightstand.) This will help flush toxins and jump start your metabolism each morning!

What kind of water should you be drinking?

Well, we love our Water Filter because it will remove the bad stuff including lead (the only one on the market) and it will save a lot of plastic bottles by not buying the individual water bottles.

So, what do you think?  Can we all make sure that we drink enough water today?

If you really can’t handle drinking water by itself, you can always infuse your water with fresh fruits and veggies to change the taste!

I personally like Cucumber Melon and Lemon Mint infused water!

Now, go drink your water to better health today!!

Elisabeth Johnson

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The Perfect Healthy Snack (It is Cool, Crunchy, Creamy and Sweet!)

When it comes to healthy snacks, I would have to say that this is one of my favorite snack. It is a great combination between energy, protein and deliciousness! It is easy to make and even easier to eat.

The combinations are truly endless with this snack. I personally love shopping at Trader Joe’s for all of my food and I especially love their granola section. There are so many amazing oppositions and they all go well with what I am about to share. If you don’t believe me you are just going to have to see for yourself.

Yogurt, Protein and Granola... Now that is a health Snack

You will need:

1/2 Cup Plain Greek Yogurt.
1/2 Cup Granola.
1 Scoop of Shaklee 180 Strawberry Smoothie Protein.
Fresh fruit, if desired.

First things first. Pour your yogurt into a bowl.

Start with a bowl of yogurt. Measure out one scoop of your Shaklee 180 protein. Add a scoop of protein to your yogurt Pour the protein into your bowl. Add protein to your yogurt for it to be extra filling. Then measure out a half cup of the granola of your choice. (I used the Mixed Berries)
Add a .25 cup of granola to your yogurt and protein Next you just need to pour the granola into the bowl.
I am so going to try this. It is like a DIY parfait with protein Once you have everything in the bowl, give it a good mix up and… I am so going to try this, yogurt, granola and strawberry protein. …you are complete!  This is such a great idea... Yogurt, Protein and Granola Just add some Energy Tea (or Pomegranate Lemonade) and you are set for a perfect afternoon snack.

The perfect healthy snack. Yogurt, Protein, Granola and Enery tea!

Now do you believe me? Doesn’t that look like a delicious treat? It has a little bit of everything in it. It is cool, crunchy, creamy and sweet. What more can you ask for in a healthy snack?

What is Shaklee 180

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I Was a Healthy Competition Winner {With New Video}

Have you ever lost weight? Have you ever achieved the after size that you set out to reach? Maybe you even took some before and after pictures, hoping you would fit into your skinny clothes again. What happens after you reach your goal? Losing weight can be an amazing feeling, unfortunately most people do what is called the “Yo-Yo” diets. They lose weight, and than gain it back again.

Shaklee 180 focuses not only on your before and after but what I like to call your after-after! It doesn’t just forget about you after you reach your after, it makes sure you never get back to your before. I like to call it my “Happily every after-after”. For those of you who don’t know My Story, I lost 40 lbs using the entire Shaklee 180 Weight Management Program.  I lost most of my weight 3 years ago and have been taught specific tools that have helped me learn how to keep it off ever since. HealthyComp-SlideDeck-2013_073113-6

Shaklee re-launched Shaklee 180 back in January and Brandon (my fiancé) and I teamed up got a group of people together to create a community of dedicated and motivated people who where all on track to loosing weight, getting fit and keeping it off.

Brandon and I joined the Healthy Competition to get in shape for our September wedding.  I came up with a goal that I wanted to be ‘Tiny, Tone and Tan” before the wedding and I was going to do anything to help me get there. The Healthy Competition was just what I was looking for.

Health Competition, 90 day and 180 contest

I will go into more details later, so for now I am just going to show you a brief glimpse of what you get as a Healthy Competition Winner!   First off, Shaklee paid the way to Nashville (for Shaklee Live) for 2 people as well as 4 nights stay at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel. Check out this video that I put together about what to expect as a Healthy Competition Winner. 

To start the trip off, I was greeted with this amazing gift basket full of my favorite Shaklee 180 goodies.

My amazing Shaklee 180 Gift basket

I was then fitted for my photo shoot, where I got to keep all of my clothes and shoes!! Booya! 

Trying on Clothes for my photo shoot

I had a personal stylist for the day and let me say… As a professional cosmetologist I loved being the client for the day. Plus I learned a lot about applying make up and styling hair for professional photo shoots, which I totally enjoyed! 

Getting my hair and makeup done

These were all 3 of my stylists for the day!

My personal Stylists for the day

They made me look and feel beautiful for the entire day!

Getting Pampered for the day in hair and make up

I had a chance to hang out and talk with the other Healthy Competition Winners.

I loved getting all dressed up and having someone else play with my hair for a change.

They truly did not miss a single detail from my head to my toe.

Getting pampered for the day

Here is a sample of one of the pictures they took at the photo shoot. Shaklee is going to be using some of my pictures for 2014 marketing materials. 🙂 I am she so excited to see what Shaklee decides to use and for what materials.

I wish I had a professional photograph with me all of the time. I wish I had a personal photographer every day

On top of all of that, we had a interview on stage at general session in front of 6,000 people…

The 2013 Shaklee Healthy Competition Winners

…then we were then featured on Shaklee Live Chat!!!

Chilling out at Shaklee Live Chat

And last but not least, we had an opportunity to talk with the Owner and CEO of Shaklee (Roger Barnett).

Healthy Competition Winner with Roger Barnett the Owner and CEO of Shaklee

Need-less-to-say this has been a once in a lifetime experience. Everyone in Shaklee has been so encouraging and they truly help you embrace the new you. 

Unlike most programs, this one is guaranteed to work!

Are you interested in learning more about the Shaklee 180 program and getting a personalized schedule that is designed specifically for you? Then fill out this interest form and I will personally get back to you so I can be your Shaklee 180 specialist! 

* indicates required

Losing weight is truly a life changing experience. My heart goes out to anyone who is trying to  lose weight and get healthy again. Just know that I am here to help you every step of the way!

From the Dest of Elisabeth Heasley soon to be Elisabeth Johnson

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My New Year Resolution! (Turning I Wish to I Will)

Every year when the new year comes, people also seem to ask me what my New Year’s resolution is going to be. Last year I was going for a “New Year, New You”.  I decided to turnaround the way I look and feel about myself.  I chose Shaklee 180 to help me achieve a healthier way of life. (This picture was taken after 1 month with Shaklee 180 in 2013).

My Before and After Progress one Month on Shaklee 180

The main reason I wanted to become a new me in 2013 was because I wanted to be “Tiny, Tone and Tan” come my wedding. After all of my hard work and dedication, I truly felt like I was the best version on myself on my wedding day.  It was everything I thought it would be and so much more!

I became Tiny, Tone and Tan for my Wedding

To be honest, most years I don’t usually follow through with my resolutions. Although, last year, I felt like I finished as strong and I had started. My Shaklee 180 Turnaround truly changed the way I look at my life and taught me not only how to live a healthier lifestyle but that I deserve a better lifestyle!

This year I am going to stop saying “I wish” and start saying “I will”! I can’t tell you how many times I wished something would happen and never did anything about it.

Start Saying I Will

I am going to start making things happen in my life and I am going to start by changing my mindset. Last year, as soon as I realized that I could start eating better and living a healthier lifestyle, I started loosing weight, getting toner and gaining energy.

This year, I know now that I need to get in the mind right off the bat and stay in it all year long. I am going to stop wishing and start doing!

What are you doing for this year’s resolution?

What is Shaklee 180

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