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Sock Bun

When I first saw the sock bun, I must say that I wasn’t that impressed. I didn’t know what the big deal was. To me, it just looked like a big bun on top of your head. Then,, after I learned how to achieve a good sock bun I can see now that it is still a big bun on the top of your head, lol. Although It is very cute and comfortable. You can make it look like a perfect ballerina bun or you can do the opposite and have a more controlled messy look.

With my hair being curly I went with a more messy look today but don’t worry, you can still get the same or a similar look with straight hair.

A Messy Sock Bun at

Here is what you will need:

A old sock


Bobby pins

A ponytail holder

Things Needed for a Sock Bun at


Here is the video showing you just how I do my sock bun.


I have to be honest with you, the first time I heard of a sock bun I didn’t know that use used an actual sock. Have you ever tried to wear a sock on your head a sock bun? I have to admit it is a lot of fun to do and even more fun to wear.

Until next time, I am

Elisabeth at Signature

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A Poofy Ponytail Made Easy

When I look at someone wearing their hair in a poofy ponytail I immediately think of fun and flirty. It is the type of hair style that says “Oh this old hair style? I only wear this when I don’t care how I look” and yet they worked pretty hard to get their hair to look like that.  I remember the first time I saw someone with their hair in a poofy pony and I wanted to know how to do that. So naturally, being the type of personality I am, I went ahead with out a doubt in my mind that I would get it right the first time.  Well, maybe the second or third. Fine, it took me a while to figure out how to master that style. Although now that I have mastered the poofy ponytail with a few simple steps, I have decided to share with you what I wish I knew then.

My hair was curly today although you can achieve the same style on straight hair.

A Poofy Ponytail at

Here is the video showing you just how I achieve this style.

You will need a few things:

Prosante Finishing Spray
Unite Volumizing Powder

One Clear Elastic Band

A Pick / Teasing Comb

Bobby Pins

The Tools For a Poofy Ponytail, A Must Try


Wouldn’t you agree that after you saw the video the poofy ponytail seems to be so much easier and achievable? I would love to know how this has helped you. Maybe you can leave a comment sharing your experiences? Well, I hope that this video helped you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to ask.

Until next time, I amElisabeth at Signature


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Thinning Your Mascara

Why is it that every time I buy a mascara it seem to last less and less? I feel like they don’t last as long as they use to. It wasn’t until I learned these few simple tricks that I finally started to realize that I was doing it all wrong. Now that I have learned these tricks I just can’t keep them to myself so I thought that I would share them with you now.

Here is a video showing you some of this remarkable tips.


It is very important to change out your mascara every 2 to 3 months. Bacteria can easily slip into your bottle while taking the wand in and out. It will also dry out the mascara faster than it should if it is over used.


Thinning Your Mascara at

This is a great way to thin out your mascara. It will help you get a few more uses out of it:

Just add a few drops of multi-purpose eye solution to your mascara bottle, give it a good shake and wa-la. You will be amazed on how much it helps.

Have you ever felt like your mascara tends to last less and less?

Elisabeth at Signature

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Are Your Eyebrows in Good Shape?

Eyebrows, in my opinion, frame the whole face! When your eyebrows are well groomed, your entire face looks well groomed. One of most frequent questions I get from my clients is on shaping your eyebrows. Today I am going to share a few important tips about shaping your eyebrows. These tips will not only help you when it comes to tweezing but it will help the over all appearance of your entire face!

Here is a video explaining what those tips are and how they will help!

Finding the starting point of your eyebrow is just as important as the arch and the end. All 3 points make up your entire eyebrow. How to Shape your Eyebrows at

Have you ever struggled with shaping your eyebrows? Do you think this will help you when it comes times to shape your own eyebrows?

If you need tips about tweezing your eyebrows just Click Here!

Elisabeth at Signature

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