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Cranberry Muffins–A Must Try!

If there is one thing that you just couldn’t go without during the Christmas season, what would it be? Ok, let me narrow that down a bit; If there is on type of treat that you just could not go without, what would it be? I know what mine would be. I wait all year for cranberries to be in season and then I buy a bunch and freeze them for the rest of the year. Who am I kidding? They never make it more than a few weeks in my house. This is a recipe that we have been using for years. It is simple but delicious!


The Perfect Chistmas Cranberry Muffin

Here is a short video showing you just how I made these delicious cranberry muffins.

An Easy and Festive Cranberry Muffin

You will need:
1 ¾ Cups All-Purpose Flour
½ Cup Sugar
2 ½ Teaspoons Baking Powder
¾ Teaspoon Salt
1 Beaten Egg
¾ Cup Milk
⅓ Cup Cooking Oil
1 Cup Coarsely Chopped Cranberries

Ingredients for amazing Cranberry muffins.

I cut the cranberries into fourths and they turn our perfect. 

Cut cranberries into 4ths for the best muffins ever!

In a large mixing bowl stir together the dry ingredients. Make a well in the center. Combine egg, milk and oil. Add egg mixture all at once to the flour mixture. Stir just until moistened; batter should be lumpy. Fold in cranberries.

Folding in cranberries to your basic muffin batter

Grease Muffin cups or line with paper baking cups: fill 2/3 full. Bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes or until golden. Remove from pans; serve warm. Makes around 12 muffins.

Fill your muffin paper cut two thirds of the way with you cranberry muffin batter

DIY Basic Cranberry Muffins, Perfect for ChristmasEasy and Basic Cranberry Muffins Home Made Cranberry Muffins Making a Cranberry Muffin from Scratch

It is also a great gift to give a loved one and let them know that you are thinking about them.

DIY Christas Gifts at


This is such a great thing to share at Christmas parties that I just can’t keep it all to myself. I will be linking up at:

Todays Creative Blog


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Cutting Down a Christmas Tree

I can’t believe that December is already here! Although for Chicago it really doesn’t really feel like it. This past weekend was 50 degrees and today was around 70. For as long as I have lived in the Chicago land area (which is my whole life) I can’t remember it ever being 70 degrees in December! 

I am going to be honest with you; before this year I had never been to a Christmas tree farm. I have never even cut down my own Christmas tree. My fiancé and his family  go every year to cut down their own Christmas tree as a family tradition. I felt very honored that they invited me along for this family event.

To everyone’s surprise the trees where MASSIVE this year! This farm must have been growing their trees for quite some time because they where huge.

Looking back now, cutting down a tree was pretty easy (considering I didn’t really do anything but pick it out with them and kind of helped carry it! 😉


2012-12-02 11.14.43Brandon had a pretty good eye on this one!

2012-12-02 11.27.33

Brandon is 6’1”, just to give you an idea of how big these trees were.

2012-12-02 11.28.13

After we cut down the tree (we as in Brandon of course, because I really didn’t do anything). We then had to measure it and cut it again.

2012-12-02 11.36.37

We then carried the tree to the barn.

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Here they trimmed it for us.

2012-12-02 11.43.48

Then they shook it out…2012-12-02 11.44.42Bagged it…

2012-12-02 11.45.07

And put it up on the car. 2012-12-02 11.46.06


I do love the idea of cutting down your own tree and Brandon said that we are going to keep this tradition! We are both looking forward to our very first Christmas together next year.

Have you ever cut down your own Christmas tree?
What are some of your own family traditions?

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Cleaning Your Nail Polish Bottle

When you are working with nail polish you need to be very careful so you don’t spill any polish on pretty much anything. I hope I am not telling you anything you haven’t herd already. Nail polish is the one thing that you don’t want to spill on anything because it is so hard to get out. Even Shaklee Get Clean products might have a hard time cleaning up nail polish and they can get out everything!

So what happens to you nail polish bottle when you get nail polish all over the top? The top gets stuck to the bottle and it is next to imposable to get open. Unless you use this technique that I am about to show you.


Cleaning Your Nail Polish Bottles at

Here is a short video showing you just how to open a bottle after it is suck shut as well as a way to keep it from getting stuck again.

You might want to also check out my post on painting you nails to look professional every time.

Perfectly Painted Professional Nails at

I am telling you that this works, try it and see! Let me know how it goes. Good luck and happy painting.

Elisabeth at Signature

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Homemade Hair Bands

Who will agree with me that a women can not seem to get more than a few uses out of her tights before something happens to them? They always seem to snag on something or get a whole in them where they can no longer be used. I thought to myself there has to be something else I can do with these tights besides just throwing them away.

Before I knew it I ended up with an entire bag of ruined tights. I then remembered someone once telling me that you can use them for many different things including hair bands. So I decided to give it a try and I am so glad I did. I always seem to lose my hair bands and this was free to make my own. Win-Win!

Turn Your Ruined Tights Into Hair Bands

Here is a short video showing you just what I did to make them.


Will someone please tell me that I am not the only person that misplaces small hair accessories? I will either lend them to someone with no intention of getting them back or I just flat out leave them in places they don’t belong and forget where I put them. Either way I find myself always buying more each time I am at the store.

I didn't know you could make your own hair bands out of old tights!

Once you are all done turning your tights into hair bands you are going to need a place to put them all so you won’t lose them like I use too. I like to store mine on a Mason Jar turned upside-down.  They fit on there perfect and you will never lose them.

What a great idea, Store you hair bands on an old, upsidedown mason jarThis is a great way to keep your hair or bangs out of your face! Wearing My Home Made Hair Band to keep my hair out of my face

Do you find yourself in the same situation I was in? Do you think this will help you to be able to not only reuse your tights but save money as well? What else do you do with your old tights? I would love for you to share or even post a link.

Thanks for reading.

Elisabeth at Signature

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