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Keeping Your Shoes Smelling Fresh!

Are you looking to have clean and fresh smelling shoes? Have you ever bought a new pair of shoes and think to yourself how long you are going to need to use them?

Well… I bought these shoes knowing that I was going to be working out in them 4 to 5 days a week, at lease until my wedding (more details coming). Therefore I need them to last at least 7 months. A little while ago, someone told me about this little trick to help you keep your shoes smelling clean and fresh.  Your shoes need to be able to breath, especially when you wear them all the time!


Are your shoes getting to you, Can't take the smell


By putting a Get Clean Dryer Sheet into your shoe after you are done wearing it, you will be amazed how long your shoes will smell like new! It has such a fresh and clean sent. Knowing that I spend a lot of time in these shoes and that they are getting a lot of use out of them, I need to keep them smelling nice. 🙂

Are you looking to get rid of the smell in your shoe. Get Clean Dryer Sheets will do the Trick


There are so many things I love about these dryer sheets. It isn’t just the fresh smell but it is because it isn’t a strong sent. They are all natural, biodegradable and “Safe for you, your home and your Planet”.


Get Clean Dryer Sheets will help keep the Smell away in your shoesShaklee's Get Clean Dryer Sheets will help you keep your shoes smelling fresh and clean

Another great tip would be to always wear socks with your shoes. It makes a huge difference.

If you want to keep your shoes fresh, keep a Get Clean Dryer Sheet in themKeep your shoes like new and keep a Shaklee Get Clean Dryer Sheet in your shoe for extra FreshnessSmelly Shoes   Get Clean Dryer Sheets = Fresh and Clean


I have never had a problem with my shoes smelling but I know that this is a great way to keep that from happening. Especially in the winter when your feet are stuck in shoes all the time!

Have you every had this happen to you? What have you done that has helped?


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Loose Beach Waves

When it comes to curling hair, there are so many different types of curly hair style you can do. It all depends on what type of curls you are looking for and what hair type you have. You also have to think about the length of your hair and decide if it will work with the curl you want to achieve. Not to mention what size curling iron you will need to achieve which curl.

I have a number of posts coming that will show you just how to answer all of those questions.


Although for today I am going to be showing you another type of curl that I absolutely love! This style is great for medium to long hair. It gives a very soft, more natural look. I love this look for everyday but I guarantee when you put on a little black dress you will blow people away.

Here is a short video showing you just how to create these beautiful waves!

I also love the simplicity of these curls.


The Perfect Loose Wave at BeautyBlondie.comHow to get Fast and easy Beach Waves at while smelling beautiful flowersI am loving these fast and easy beach waves from BeautyBlondie.comThis is a great way to wear your hair in a loose wave. It looks like a big beach wave!

Do you like to wear your hair curly? Would you like more post about curling hair for all different hair types and finding styles that are more achievable for you?

I hope this help and I can’t wait to hear how you it turned out for you. So please share!

From the Dest of Elisabeth Heasley soon to be Elisabeth Johnson

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Wrapping Your Christmas Gifts!

I love the idea of the entire Christmas season, there is so much joy in the air. I love the smell of all of the freshly baked cookies, the sound of the Christmas music in the background and the beautifully wrapped gifts under the tree. Gifts are a great way to show someone just how much you care about them. What I love about wrapping a gift is the excitement on the persons face who you give it to. When a gift is wrapped nicely it almost makes the gift a little bit more than what is inside. I can’t tell you how many times people have complimented me about the wrapping on my gifts I give. Not only that, now people have been asking me to wrap their gifts for them.

Here is a video showing you just how I wrap a a Basic Box.  


I love adding thing to the top of my gifts. It not only adds a pop of color but to make the gift look finish and complete.

I love adding red accents to my gifts

This year I used different kinds of peppermints, bows, flowers and ornaments.

Dressing up your gifts with red Accents.

Here are step by step instructions on how to wrap your basic box.

Wrapping up Shaklee's Nutrition Therapy from Enfuselle1 Messure and Cut Wrapping Paper 2 Fold Paper over you gift 3 Fold the edge of the paper over for a perfectly smooth line.4 secure with a piece of tape.5 Push the Paper from the top of your gift down towards the bottom on the gift.6 Crease the corners of the paper on both ends making them into triangles.  7 Fold the other side in creating a triangle. 8 Fold the Bottom triangle up and secure with tape. 9 Continue the last 3 steps to the other side! Add your Accent color in ribbons a flower and a candy cane and you are done

My siblings love helping when it comes time to wrap.

The kids love helping me wrap Tying Ribbin on my  gift.

I just love the end result.

Simple but elegant wrapping

How do you wrap your gifts for Christmas?

Do you have a favorite Christmas color this year?

I hope you are all done shopping and ready to wrap your gifts. I hope this helps!

Elisabeth at Signature


Parties I am at this week:

Some Day Crafts

The Thrifty Home

Seven Thirty Three

Posted on 5 Comments

Organizing Your Scarfs on Clothes Hangers!

With the seasons changing and the whether getting colder it is time to bust out the scarfs. Over the past few winters I have built up quite the little collection of scarfs. I use to keep them in a bin in my room until I got sick of them always being wrinkled. I don’t even remember where I got this idea from but I am so glad that I found it. Now that I have started hanging my scarfs up on hangers I will not be going back to putting them in a drawer or a bin ever again.

Here is a short video showing you just how I organize my scarfs.



This is a great way to hang your scarfsI just love this idea about hanging your scarfs on a hanger This is a great way to save space and keep your scarfs organized! This is an amazing way yo keep scarfs organized and keep your closet cleanWhat I clever idea, I never would have thought to hang my scarf’s on a hanger like this


I love keeping my scarfs color coordinated and where I can see them. I not only feel like they stay more organized but I also wear them more than I use to because I can actually see what I have.

I love the idea of wearing scarfs. Please don’t forgot to subscribe to my blog to get my up come posts on how to tie your scarfs and how to pair them with your outfits.

How do you keep your scarfs organized?

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