There are so many wonderful things about being engaged, my mind is spinning with joy. There are so many things that need to get done before the big day that I don’t even know where to begin.
I am so thankful to have Brandon to help keep me in line. He is always there to relax me and help get my mind back on track. He reassures me that we have plenty of time to get everything done. I just love him, I honestly don’t know what I would do with out him!
Seeing that we are joining two very different families, the first thing we needed to do was to tell our families. This was easy for us because both of our families approve and kind of already knew. Brandon told his mom and sister he was going to ask me to marry him just before we left for Chicago. He also asked my dad 2 days before he asked me and my dad is no good at keeping secrets and almost everyone knew, except me. It was a good thing that I didn’t see my dad for those 2 days! 😉

As you can see here, I am one of 12 children and once one person knows something, everyone knows it! There is never a dull moment at our house. Many of you may already know my mom and dad from Parents Of A Dozen, my sister Bonnie from House Of Grace or my brother Doug from White House Black Shutters. My family was excited to here me actually say “I’m engaged”! But as you can see here, we may be a crazy bunch but we are a loving bunch and we would do anything for one another.

Brandon’s family on the other hand, is a lot quieter and calmer than my family. It is just him his mom and his sister (The lady in Red is Brandon’s Aunt. I couldn’t find a recent picture of just us). They too we excited about our engagement. This will be the first wedding for the Johnson’s so you can imagine how excited they are!

Regardless of our families differences they are both loving, understanding and looking forward to the day were we will become one! Both, Brandon and I, feel very blesses to have such supportive and loving families and that we will both have such great in-laws.
Do you get along with your in-laws and did you have a hard time joining two families?