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Keeping Your Shoes Smelling Fresh!

Are you looking to have clean and fresh smelling shoes? Have you ever bought a new pair of shoes and think to yourself how long you are going to need to use them?

Well… I bought these shoes knowing that I was going to be working out in them 4 to 5 days a week, at lease until my wedding (more details coming). Therefore I need them to last at least 7 months. A little while ago, someone told me about this little trick to help you keep your shoes smelling clean and fresh.  Your shoes need to be able to breath, especially when you wear them all the time!


Are your shoes getting to you, Can't take the smell


By putting a Get Clean Dryer Sheet into your shoe after you are done wearing it, you will be amazed how long your shoes will smell like new! It has such a fresh and clean sent. Knowing that I spend a lot of time in these shoes and that they are getting a lot of use out of them, I need to keep them smelling nice. 🙂

Are you looking to get rid of the smell in your shoe. Get Clean Dryer Sheets will do the Trick


There are so many things I love about these dryer sheets. It isn’t just the fresh smell but it is because it isn’t a strong sent. They are all natural, biodegradable and “Safe for you, your home and your Planet”.


Get Clean Dryer Sheets will help keep the Smell away in your shoesShaklee's Get Clean Dryer Sheets will help you keep your shoes smelling fresh and clean

Another great tip would be to always wear socks with your shoes. It makes a huge difference.

If you want to keep your shoes fresh, keep a Get Clean Dryer Sheet in themKeep your shoes like new and keep a Shaklee Get Clean Dryer Sheet in your shoe for extra FreshnessSmelly Shoes   Get Clean Dryer Sheets = Fresh and Clean


I have never had a problem with my shoes smelling but I know that this is a great way to keep that from happening. Especially in the winter when your feet are stuck in shoes all the time!

Have you every had this happen to you? What have you done that has helped?


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Cleaning Your Nail Polish Bottle

When you are working with nail polish you need to be very careful so you don’t spill any polish on pretty much anything. I hope I am not telling you anything you haven’t herd already. Nail polish is the one thing that you don’t want to spill on anything because it is so hard to get out. Even Shaklee Get Clean products might have a hard time cleaning up nail polish and they can get out everything!

So what happens to you nail polish bottle when you get nail polish all over the top? The top gets stuck to the bottle and it is next to imposable to get open. Unless you use this technique that I am about to show you.


Cleaning Your Nail Polish Bottles at

Here is a short video showing you just how to open a bottle after it is suck shut as well as a way to keep it from getting stuck again.

You might want to also check out my post on painting you nails to look professional every time.

Perfectly Painted Professional Nails at

I am telling you that this works, try it and see! Let me know how it goes. Good luck and happy painting.

Elisabeth at Signature

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Cleaning Your Tongue

I talked before about keeping your teeth clean, fresh and white. What I didn’t mention was the the importance of cleaning your tongue as well. We spend so much time brushing and flossing our  teeth to help keep our smiles big and bright, but nobody even mentation’s our tongue. Our tongue is kind of like the keeper of our mouth, everything that goes into our mouth has to touch our tongue. It is only natural that we should have to clean it regularly as we do our teeth.


Here is a short video explaining just why it is so important.  


Keeping your teeth and tongue clean at


Do you have or use a tongue cleaner? If so, what kind do you like to use?


I appreciate you sticking with me for these 31 days of Beauty Tips.  There are still a lot more to come!

Elisabeth at Signature

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Make Your Jewelry Shine Again

Some of you might know the very exciting news about me getting engaged!!! Make sure you follow along to get the whole story. With everything still being new and exciting I want to make sure that I keep my ring shiny and clean. This is the best ring cleaner you can ever find. It is an all natural cleaner that will not only clean your jewelry but make it shine like when you first got it.

Here is a short video showing you just how to make you jewelry shine!

You will need:

Basic H

A Babies Toothbrush

Your Jewelry


Cleaning my Ring with Basic H at

You can see here just how clean and shiny my ring got after cleaning it with Shaklee’s Basic H

From Dirty to Clean with Basic H at

Do you have any Jewelry you would like to clean and make them look new again?

I know that you are going to love this as much as I do and it will work just as well on your jewelry as it did on mine.

Elisabeth at Signature

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