I can’t believe that December is already here! Although for Chicago it really doesn’t really feel like it. This past weekend was 50 degrees and today was around 70. For as long as I have lived in the Chicago land area (which is my whole life) I can’t remember it ever being 70 degrees in December!
I am going to be honest with you; before this year I had never been to a Christmas tree farm. I have never even cut down my own Christmas tree. My fiancé and his family go every year to cut down their own Christmas tree as a family tradition. I felt very honored that they invited me along for this family event.
To everyone’s surprise the trees where MASSIVE this year! This farm must have been growing their trees for quite some time because they where huge.
Looking back now, cutting down a tree was pretty easy (considering I didn’t really do anything but pick it out with them and kind of helped carry it! 😉
Brandon had a pretty good eye on this one!
Brandon is 6’1”, just to give you an idea of how big these trees were.
After we cut down the tree (we as in Brandon of course, because I really didn’t do anything). We then had to measure it and cut it again.
We then carried the tree to the barn.
Here they trimmed it for us.
Then they shook it out…Bagged it…
I do love the idea of cutting down your own tree and Brandon said that we are going to keep this tradition! We are both looking forward to our very first Christmas together next year.
Have you ever cut down your own Christmas tree?
What are some of your own family traditions?