As most of you probably know by now, especially if you follow me on any other social media site… I am so excited and happy to announce that Baby Johnson is not only on its way to meet everyone but is growing fast. I can’t believe that come April 2015 I will be able to meet my little one face to face! Brandon and I couldn’t be happier about bringing a little one into this world and can’t wait to find out if we are having a boy or a girl!
I can’t tell you what was going through my head the moment I saw a positive sign on my pregnancy test! (Or should I say 4 tests, we just wanted to make sure that it was for real with no funny business) There is something so amazing about being responsible for another human life. The thought of knowing that someone that tiny depends on me, it is mind boggling! It truly is a miracle and I am excited to share my experience with all of you!
I know I am posting this a little late (lol late being an understatement seeing as I am already 30 weeks along) but I have been busy these last few months! 😉 Don’t worry, I documented almost everything so I will make sure I get you up to date on everything!
I hope that this post finds you well and I am looking forward to blogging once again!
Until next time,
Elisabeth Johnson