I can’t believe that it is already the 11th of July, the time is flying by! As most of you know, I use and love all of the Shaklee products!! I can honestly say that I don’t know where I would be without most of these products. I start every morning off with a delicious smoothie, the energy tea and Vitalizer gets me through each and every day and Shaklee 180 changed my life!
The reason I am tell you all of this is because back when my family decided to give Shaklee a try (almost 15 years ago) we joined as a member to receive a %15 discount. We paid a one time fee of $19.95 and received a lifetime membership and it has been well worth the money!
Although for this month only, Shaklee is offering a FREE membership with any purchase!
This Shaklee Membership gives you more than a 15% discount on premium products. But you also get …
An unconditional money back guarantee
Access to Shaklee Health Sciences Research and information
A new Member information pack (mailed to you), with the most recent Shaklee Product Guide, and a Welcome to Shaklee DVD
The ability to "subscribe" to regularly product shipments, putting them on repeat delivery (AutoShip)
Secure online (via this site) and toll free ordering at 1-800-SHAKLEE
Exclusive product promotions, offers and discounts
Affordable health insurance plans
Discounts and benefits from Shaklee partner companies
The potential to have your own business and earn bonus income when you upgrade to Distributor
Shaklee believe that nature holds the answers to a long, healthy, and productive life. They make sure that they produce only the purest products possible for your health, your family, your home, and the planet. They have put produced over 350 products and have categorized them into 4 different healthy groups.
I love the entire Enfuselle Skin Care Line! It is amazing how good your face feels when you are finished washing it. I am not kidding, your face will be thanking you after you are done washing it!
These cleaning products were the reason my mom (Sharon from ParentsofaDozen.com) started using the Shaklee products in the first place. After trying them, we were hooked. I guess you can say we became life long users. (would that be considered lifers?)
Although the cleaners may have brought us to Shaklee, their nutrition supplements is what kept us here. I am one of 12 children and all of my brothers and sisters under the age of 14 (So 5 of them) have never been on an antibiotic before. They are as healthy as can be!
As far as the weight management program, once you have done a 180 you never go back! Here is my Before, After and After-After! Without Shaklee 180 I don’t know where I would be.
I decided a long time ago that I am going to take care of my body because it is the only place I have to live in!
Are you taking care of your body?
Have you been thinking about trying some of the Shaklee products but have been putting it off> Well there is no better time to give them a try when you get a Free membership!!!

How to become a shaklee member
I want to your phone contact
I want be shakell membership cos I need vitaliser gold